Sunday, 22 November 2009

Comicflipper Returns, Is A Little Prettier


You mean I was actually going to come back?!

I thought that was just an excuse to run and hide without admitting failure!

Anyway, welcome back to the new and improved (in the eyes of the few) version of Flip The Page, now purely known as COMICFLIPPER!

So yes there are some obvious changes visually here, whether it be the Chamber x2 banner or the bigass buttons down the left hand side to navigate, everything's been made more friendly and/or personal.

As for content, reviews are going to largely be big no-nos for now, with the focus being on things like Thoughts On and That Is Why for the foreseeable future.

With that welcome to the new look site and hopefully you'll stick around!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Flip The Page / Comicflipper Reboot

Followers of my TWITTER will by now be aware that I've been trying to do two things lately: 1) write a read-along review thing of New Mutants as a regular feature and 2) reboot this journal into a less schizophrenic and far more organised model (especially as my time for the journal will be freed up in the coming weeks).

1) has been completely abandoned as far too difficult just for the entertainment value of completely ripping off the invincible super blog and my own lack of ability to make jokes about something I frequently make super-sized bum love to and 2) is.... this.

Welcome to the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end.

Throughout this period of change I'll be preparing such basic things as a decent archive and regular features. With any luck they'll be good too!

In the meantime I remind you I have a TWITTER and TWITTER TWITTER OH LOOK A TWITTER and I'll make some posts about what things will be appearing in the reboot and general progress reports. Ya know, for hits!

(oh and comics-wise: I'm making a Fumetti comic for a presentation evening thing soon. It sucks arse but hey you might see some similar stuff around here for portfolio stuff or summat. That and I LOVE Fumetti. Dunno why.)