"Buh-whaaaa?!" I hear you cry! Well fear not strange noise making people! For what this person doesn't know about comics he certainly knows about film. He even has his own (soon to be revived) awesome film blog! So it's with great pleasure that I welcome The One They Call Unusual, MILAN!

There totally isn't a pattern in me defacing people's photos here.
Anyway, Milan will be bringing us interesting comic book movie (or movies related to comics) material, starting with a snazzy who's who of Green Lantern candidates for the (eventually) upcoming film! Expect that soon enough (he's finished it, I'm just a crappy ass editor) and look forward to his future work.
Extra news: I was going to do my Quick-Fire Reviews earlier in the week but have been sluggishly trying to do some edits to the site. Expect them tonight, save me being worse than usual.
I have a wig which is the exact density and size.
ReplyDeleteThat is what she said