AH! Finally rested from a complete phone-in of updates on my part on sunday, I return with a possible new feature (and an attempt to increase hits on this relatively visitless day) wherein I talk things I actually give a shit about comics wise this week. Oh and just to make it a little more negative, things that are shit this week. For a self proclaimed miserable bastard I'm being far too optimistic nowadays.

- More than anything this week I'm overly enthusiastic about Marvel's decade variant covers. Honestly I started out thinking they'd all be terrible but with each that appears my heart melts and I want to hold them and never let go. Except the Ms. Marvel one. That ruined the chain.
- Deadpool: Merc With A Mouth #1. Why? Simply enough because it's directly related to those promised video reviews (I'm actually almost done scripting the first. I'm new at this shut up). Oh and because the reprint of New Mutants #098 renders the original releases collector's value MOOT! AHAHAHAHAHA OH HOW SWEET IT MUST TASTE TO KNOW THAT SOME POOR STUPID FUCK MAY HAVE ACTUALLY PAID THE FULL 45 DOLLARS FOR THE COMIC WHEN IT'S GETTING REPRINTED!
- Cable getting Paul Gulacy as the new artist. Ariel Olivetti isn't a BAD artist, just a bad artist with his run on Cable. Gulacy has flaws, at least from the one work of his I've read (Penance: Relentless) but I can excuse that because we're talking a living legend here (at least if I were to believe the man's wikipedia page. Which I do) so me dishing out any criticism of his art would be hasty at best. That and anyone who overuses bracket (like me) doesn't deserve an opinion on people above his station. Still means I can call Jeph Loeb a cunt though.
- Uncanny X-Men. Last issue reminded me why I love the main comic for the X-People so I'm understandably stoked for.... Oh, a crossover... NO I WON'T CHANGE MY MIND!
- Batman & Robin #2. As far as I'm concerned it'll be the missing half to issue 1, which felt awesome yet incomplete. Oh and I'm hoping Pyg will die horribly to make me feel good.
- Anything Green Lantern related. I'm a fan of the Corps but both are solid things for me to see anything to do with them as brilliant.

- No further information on the highlight of my year; Nomad: Girl Without A World. I need more stuff on that like air.
- Captain America Reborn #1. I just don't care. I like both Caps but when I prefer both USAgent and Rikki Barnes to them it's hard to care about this massive moment in Marvel history.
- Having NO idea when The Great Unknown #3 (of 5) will appear, or even if it has already. My favourite Image mini and it seems to just not exist. Ugh.
- These special "after Watchmen what's next?" editions of comics I actually PREFER to watchmen. It degrades their own importance by essentially cashing in on how people love to buy Watchmen and anything with the words Watchmen on it. Which means that comic fans presumably have a lot of gay porn. Or porn aimed at voyeurs. It doesn't matter which.
- Being unaware of updates on the Scott Pilgrim movie. I don't know if any information is continuing to come out now that it's in production but I really wish I could find something more on it than what I know already (very little).
So yeah. Now that I've stroked my own ego why don't you small quantity of readers tell me what YOU are looking forward to or despise this week. Or don't make any comments. Like you usually do. Torment me by not acknowledging my existence.
God I hope that sounds satirical and not like I'm begging for attention.
Dude, to solve Scott Pilgrim problem, type http://www.slashfilm.com/ and search Scott Pilgrim. :)
ReplyDeleteActually, just go on there generally, it will full you up with film.
ah Tim keeps sending me stuff there but I never bother to look through myself. thanks Milz
ReplyDeleteMate that watchmen comment was classic! I nearly wet myself with laughter