I love Marvel Legends. Even the shoddily built Hasbro ones where parts are recycled and there were less figures for me to care about.
I love X-Factor Investigations. Madrox is one of my ten favourite mutants (yes there'll be a top ten for that at some point). I loved the series even when it looked like arse in Secret Invasion.
As such this is great news for me:
"There's a new wave of Marvel Legends 2 Packs on the way in 2010 and you help to decide who's in them. The basics are simple - six total characters, you pick three and we pick three. Sound like fun? Voting for this all new Fan's Choice will start on July 22nd when we reveal all of the possible choices at San Diego Comic Con."
That's from a Hasbro PR, tossing out the info that people who go to San Diego Comic Con get to vote for the next wave of Marvel Legends. Three of the candidates have been revealed already (Madrox, Warpath, Lady Bullseye) and they've done a good job at getting me stoked.
Madrox is awesome and no-one can say otherwise. Warpath... Well he's from a series I don't like so I can't say much but he looks cool. Lady Bullseye... Okay I know nothing about her. BUT MADROX!

Source: 16bit.com via Toplessrobot
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