Monday, 21 September 2009


Nimoy... Tartan Metal Cowboy... Shatner... Golden Spider-Man... PAIN

From This Is Photobomb

News: Kirby sues Marvel, Sony, Fox, Universal, Paramount etc

The estate of the late artist and creator Jack Kirby is suing Marvel (and Disney) along with most of the big movie studios. Kirby's family apparently want to negotiate a new deal for the use of characters that Kirby helped to create for Marvel comics - including the Fantastic Four, the original X-Men, and many classic Avengers such as Captain America, Thor, Black Panther and Iron Man. If this legal action is successful, it probably won't affect the use of these characters in future comics and movies at all. Rather, Marvel/Disney and the companies that own the relevant film rights would probably readily make a deal with Kirby's estate, if it was the only way to continue exploiting the lucrative franchises that characters like Iron Man have proven to be (see last year's box office). Of course, this legal action may well not be successful; it is, however, being handled for Kirby's estate by Marc Toberoff, the same lawyer that recently won some of the lucrative Superman rights for the Siegel estate, meaning that this could well result in a win for Kirby's family. Watch this space.

News from BleedingCool, a great comic site, found via SlashFilm, an even greater film site.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Two Comics Related Videos To Watch If You Haven't Already

Okay figured I'd waste some space by pointing out this nice behind the scenes at Marvel:

Yeah kinda good eh.

I won't embed that one simply 'cause I'm not a jackass.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

100th Post: Robbie Robertson

100 posts in and what have we learnt?

From Wikipedia:
Robbie Robertson (born 5 July 1943 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada) is a singer-songwriter, and guitarist. He is best known for his membership in The Band. He was ranked 78th in Rolling Stone magazine’s list of the 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time.

as such:
Robbie Advice: Rolling Stone Magazine DON'T KNOW SHIT! I AM THE BEST GUITARIST/PAPER EDITOR EVER! Don't you mess with me boy!

Happy 100 posts! One day we'll be funny! Or informative! Or less offensive! Or less cruddy! Or less lazy! (Ad Nauseum)

Also look at the new banner. Now press F5.
Expect more of those (and for the banner to get prettier) over time.

Friday, 4 September 2009

About Us: Flip The Page On Tumblr! (and wherever else)

Want to see me chat about things that aren't comics (mostly) and inane shit? Well you finally can, as Flip The Page hits Tumblr!

This now makes THREE different places you can get ahold of me (four if I decide to share my Facebook eventually), so CHECK THEM ALL OUT!

Check them all out and if you're crazy enough leave some feedback in comment form!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Quick-Fire Things I Don't Want To Review But Have An Opinion On

A slightly lax approach today, where I'mma just address things from last week that I have opinions on but really can't be arsed to review.

Runaways has not been worth the time of day since it's latest renumbering (though some could argue Joss Whedon's arc lacked BKV's spark.

As such the bitch isn't worth my time anymore. The thing that tipped me over the edge?

Nico hooking up with Chase AGAIN (this makes her the biggest slut of the group and that's such a lame characterisation). Oh yeah that and nonchalantly dropping their first frog vehicle THAT HAS A FUCKING PERSONALITY YOU JERKS. No image for that one though. Oh and the art's REALLY bad now. In fact I don't even know why I've read it. RUNAWAYS, FUCK OFF. YOU'RE DONE.

The Incredible Hulk is actually pretty good, though I'm still just reading it for the Savage She-Hulk backup.

Seriously it's great to have an Olivetti Hulk book (his art actually suits overmuscular giants ya see) and the first 'proper' issue last week has had some great writing from Greg Pak, but Van Lente's Savage She-Hulk backup has pretty much punched that in the nuts and decided it's more awesome. And outside of the art slipping a bit it pretty much has.

Look at that bottom panel and tell me I'm wrong, I fucking dare you!

New Mutants is still one of the two best X-books around...

The other being X-Factor of course. I was going to review this but kinda figured I shouldn't review the same series issue after issue. Just trust me when I say that if you're not following it you are a TOOL.

..... And X-Force is probably the worst book being released by Marvel

Yeah, worse than Loeb's Hulk. I mean it. A) Necrosha's build up, something I was SURE wouldn't look like a complete rip-off of Blackest Night.... Does.

Seriously. Fucking awful. Caliban is the Black Hand. Also B) they can't pay enough attention to which arm is cut off of X-23.
Right Arm to Left Arm in the space of ONE PANEL!

Which whilst hilarious also kinda sickens me as the whole scene is basically something out of a really sick Guro comic. Just stay the fuck away from this abomination and we shall never speak of it again.

.... Oh yeah and C) Rahne feel character assassinated compared to her X-Factor days. This pisses me off.

Wolverine HATES film piracy!

'Nuff said? Wolverine First Class actually matters this week as we get the origin of Jamie Madrox's dupes going out to learn stuff, including the fact that one of the first batch will become James Maddox! This is awesome.
See? Awesome.

Cow Variants are awesome

Skrull Kill Krew needs a small trophy... Or higher sales.

Other things
Guardians of the Galaxy has gone completely and utterly hatstand at the moment, with crazy shit happening all over the place. Read it already!

Beta Ray Bill now has a partner to try and procreate his species with. That won't work in the long run but still how nice.

DON'T pull Herc's finger

Okay and that's a new approach of not reviewing anything but still saying things. Whaddaya think?