"WAIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT IMAGE WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I don't really hear you say. Well, I'll tell you. That is in fact the banner from the first ever edition of Flip The Page way back in July 2006.
July 2006?!
Wow that was a while back. You see, Flip The Page has existed in many forms over the years. From a simple Manga of the Month flavour over at a fledgling site known as Live Action Anime (LAA) which spread out into a monthly manga review column known as FLIP THE PAGE!
Why all the manga? I loved that shit. I still do. I just don't have the money to pursue that much shit a month. I mean I have a backlog of like 300+ volumes, some of which I'm unsucessfullly trying to sell.
So that all lasted up till December that year, where I took one of my stereotypical breaks that I never came back from. Yeah that won't happen here... Maybe.
Then come... I don't know... more recently I started a new column up at there that had one update and I just kinda.... stopped. This was renamed Sweet Ramen (because NOODLES LOVES YOU! GEDDIT?! No? Yeah why would you?) and wasn't very good, a (once again) manga news recap. Still it had some bitchass logos.

Then a long time later I've started getting comics and this all happened. Now you know!
Manga of the Month
Flip The Page Archive
Sweet Ramen
This is an abridged version of the 'history' section that will appear on the 'ABOUT US' page. I hoped you enjoyed this basic version and will stop throwing shit at my house
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