Monday, 31 August 2009



- Disney now own Marvel Entertainment Inc.... Fuck. More on that at some other point when I can point out the internet's reaction.

- The Pet Avengers is just another 4 issue limited series, watering down my INITIAL EXCITEMENT but not enough to stop me anticipating the shit out of it. To find out more about the upcoming series head over to COMIC BOOK RESOURCES NOW!

- X-Factor is taking a month's hiatus come November in preparation for ISSUE #200! This will bring them into New York where they'll fill that age-old role of the 'go-to guys'. Ya know, like Matt Murdock being EVERYONE'S lawyer or Moon Knight driving EVERYONE'S taxi. This'll be them solving EVERYONE'S problems. Again, COMIC BOOK RESOURCES is the place to mosey on over to where they talk to Peter David about it all.

- Jeff Parker continues to prove why he's the shining star of an upcoming piece I'm writing about the future best writers EVARR by handling something called WORLD WAR HULKS: ALPHA. It's a step to greatness but then it's a tie-in to a Loeb event. Mixed feelings.

- More What If stories are appearing. None of them are interesting.

- Apparently the Sentry will appear a lot in the future. Bleh I say, BLEH!

- Allan Heinberg is FINALLY writing a new Young Avengers arc in an 8 issue limited series. More on my fangirlish squeals later.

That's the news shots. I'll be writing more on a variety of these soon (and anything else that crops up) just figured I'd lay them all out here so I can pick and choose later.

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