Wow, so after 7 months and 10 days of Marvel throwing it in our faces it has finally, officially and absolutely turned 70.
Thank. Fucking. God.
As such I feel the need to state what the best Comic Series, Cover, Story, Event and such have been over the entire 70 year span.
Candidates: Amazing Spider-Man, Uncanny X-Men, Thunderbolts, Thor, MIGHTY Avengers
Why?: A comic SYNONYMOUS with Marvel, Marvel's Juggernaut (even with Greg Land), the eternal underdog with a classic history, A comic that has only ever evolved into the perfect creation it is today and the one TRUE Avengers comic still running.
THE WINNER (drumroll here):

Probably something of a disagreeable choice in the face of AmazSpid but the history, the events, everything about Uncanny sticks out. If you started with the original team way back with issue 1 of X-Men (before the name change), the Uncanny team (from GIANT SIZE) or came in years later to something like Messiah Complex, this has been a comic that isn't afraid to evolve and change with the times. Amazing Spider-Man tries such things and the fans go ape-shit crazy. When Uncanny does it it's embraced as a new step in the life of everyone's favourite mutants. I could mention how Thunderbolts has gone through a lot of change too but I'm still a little bitter over the loss of the long-mourned days of old. Uncanny CAN do wrong, but in the face of the sheer brilliance that you get about 70% of the time it falls into distant memory. I mean heck, this comic came out of the dark age smelling faintly of roses. How many series can say that without coughing up blood?
Candidates: X-Force/X-Statix, Avengers, Ultimate Spider-Man, Cable & Deadpool, Nextwave
Why?: WAIT! THESE ARE ALL 21st CENTURY COMICS (sans Avengers of course). Am I honestly saying that the best concluded ongoing series are ones from recent years?
Yes, yes I am. Still that isn't the most shocking thing here. This is...

What? I can hold my head high and declare this the best comic Marvel has EVER released. Why? It went far and above what it portrayed itself as, secretly displaying itself as high art and a study of the human condition, celebrity, death and so much more to those who could see past the superficial surface. Not only that, but it managed all of this despite a heckuva lot of controversy. First off for apparently sullying the good name of X-Force, resulting in a stream of hate mail from the same people who just so happen to spend their time complaining about things like Shatterstar being gay now (read as: dark age comic fans), followed by a MASSIVE spurt of hate fired at it for trying to resurrect Princess Diana as a superhero.

Wait... What? This move was so ballsy that it garnered a great amount of press attention (by comic standards) including some particularly vile hate from that shitrag that is known only as THE DAILY MAIL. Of course X-Statix abandoned the whole Princess Di thing, with a fictional person in her place, but it will forever be known for having balls for things that no other comic would dream of. X-Statix, I salute you as one of the best things to ever happen to comicdom.
Candidates: Agents of Atlas, Madrox, Inhumans, Marvel Boy, Marvels, Toxin, Longshot, Marvel Zombies, Books of Doom
Why?: I've read a fair amount of limited series, probably far more than anyone should nowadays. Again I'm shamed that they're mostly 21st century ones, but perhaps that's a sign that Marvel is doing SOMETHING right.

I want to call this a clear winner but I took over an hour to decide on it. Marvel Zombies is a limited that did so much more than anyone thought it would. Coming from the pages of that piece of shit that is Land-drawn Ultimate Fantastic Four, Marvel Zombies exploded with popularity, pulling many people into comics who would have had no interest beforehand. This evolved further into a Dead Days one-shot, an arc in Black Panther, a sequel, ANOTHER sequel, AN EVIL DEAD PREQUEL, CONNECTIONS TO MARVEL APES, ANOTHER MUCH SHITTIER SEQUEL AND AN UPCOMING MOTHERFUCKING OTHER CHAIN OF SEQUEL ONE-SHOTS! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH LOTS OF ZOMBIIIIIES! Most of this content is at least good (save Marvel Zombies 4, which is just shit) and Marvel Zombies 2 and Dead Days had the same writer on board, which was certainly in its favour. Sure Marvels has had a follow-up (apparently) and another on the way AND was drawn by Alex Ross (who's only good for covers btw) but can it honestly say it affected Marvel as much as Marvel Zombies?
It CAN? Oh... Well it can't say it's had as many spin-offs and sequels so let's roll with my rant.
Thank. Fucking. God.
As such I feel the need to state what the best Comic Series, Cover, Story, Event and such have been over the entire 70 year span.
Candidates: Amazing Spider-Man, Uncanny X-Men, Thunderbolts, Thor, MIGHTY Avengers
Why?: A comic SYNONYMOUS with Marvel, Marvel's Juggernaut (even with Greg Land), the eternal underdog with a classic history, A comic that has only ever evolved into the perfect creation it is today and the one TRUE Avengers comic still running.
THE WINNER (drumroll here):

Probably something of a disagreeable choice in the face of AmazSpid but the history, the events, everything about Uncanny sticks out. If you started with the original team way back with issue 1 of X-Men (before the name change), the Uncanny team (from GIANT SIZE) or came in years later to something like Messiah Complex, this has been a comic that isn't afraid to evolve and change with the times. Amazing Spider-Man tries such things and the fans go ape-shit crazy. When Uncanny does it it's embraced as a new step in the life of everyone's favourite mutants. I could mention how Thunderbolts has gone through a lot of change too but I'm still a little bitter over the loss of the long-mourned days of old. Uncanny CAN do wrong, but in the face of the sheer brilliance that you get about 70% of the time it falls into distant memory. I mean heck, this comic came out of the dark age smelling faintly of roses. How many series can say that without coughing up blood?
Candidates: X-Force/X-Statix, Avengers, Ultimate Spider-Man, Cable & Deadpool, Nextwave
Why?: WAIT! THESE ARE ALL 21st CENTURY COMICS (sans Avengers of course). Am I honestly saying that the best concluded ongoing series are ones from recent years?
Yes, yes I am. Still that isn't the most shocking thing here. This is...

What? I can hold my head high and declare this the best comic Marvel has EVER released. Why? It went far and above what it portrayed itself as, secretly displaying itself as high art and a study of the human condition, celebrity, death and so much more to those who could see past the superficial surface. Not only that, but it managed all of this despite a heckuva lot of controversy. First off for apparently sullying the good name of X-Force, resulting in a stream of hate mail from the same people who just so happen to spend their time complaining about things like Shatterstar being gay now (read as: dark age comic fans), followed by a MASSIVE spurt of hate fired at it for trying to resurrect Princess Diana as a superhero.

Wait... What? This move was so ballsy that it garnered a great amount of press attention (by comic standards) including some particularly vile hate from that shitrag that is known only as THE DAILY MAIL. Of course X-Statix abandoned the whole Princess Di thing, with a fictional person in her place, but it will forever be known for having balls for things that no other comic would dream of. X-Statix, I salute you as one of the best things to ever happen to comicdom.
Candidates: Agents of Atlas, Madrox, Inhumans, Marvel Boy, Marvels, Toxin, Longshot, Marvel Zombies, Books of Doom
Why?: I've read a fair amount of limited series, probably far more than anyone should nowadays. Again I'm shamed that they're mostly 21st century ones, but perhaps that's a sign that Marvel is doing SOMETHING right.

I want to call this a clear winner but I took over an hour to decide on it. Marvel Zombies is a limited that did so much more than anyone thought it would. Coming from the pages of that piece of shit that is Land-drawn Ultimate Fantastic Four, Marvel Zombies exploded with popularity, pulling many people into comics who would have had no interest beforehand. This evolved further into a Dead Days one-shot, an arc in Black Panther, a sequel, ANOTHER sequel, AN EVIL DEAD PREQUEL, CONNECTIONS TO MARVEL APES, ANOTHER MUCH SHITTIER SEQUEL AND AN UPCOMING MOTHERFUCKING OTHER CHAIN OF SEQUEL ONE-SHOTS! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH LOTS OF ZOMBIIIIIES! Most of this content is at least good (save Marvel Zombies 4, which is just shit) and Marvel Zombies 2 and Dead Days had the same writer on board, which was certainly in its favour. Sure Marvels has had a follow-up (apparently) and another on the way AND was drawn by Alex Ross (who's only good for covers btw) but can it honestly say it affected Marvel as much as Marvel Zombies?
Marvels was a success, winning multiple awards and launching the significant careers of Busiek and Ross
It CAN? Oh... Well it can't say it's had as many spin-offs and sequels so let's roll with my rant.
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