Monday, 31 August 2009

Young Avengers: Allan Heinberg Returns!

So yeah, Young Avengers returning properly. Allan Heinberg is returning to write an 8 issue limited series about our favourite team of young'uns. Not much else is out there right now, but that isn't the point of this post. the point is that this might well mark the first point since Heinberg left that the events in a Young Avengers limited ACTUALLY FUCKING MATTER!

Seriously, Nothing consequential has been allowed to happen for the three limiteds that have occurred so far, except perhaps the addition of the young masters of evil (if they become that) but then that doesn't change the team, just the adversaries available to them.

The team has remained the same since the original series' conclusion and that just bothers me. No-one can leave or join because Heinberg has a vision for it (a brilliant one though I'm sure). Marvel would probably say that isn't the case or something but looking at all the limited series there's no getting around it. Heck even the spreading out into other series, like Stature being in the Initiative (didn't last) or her being in the Mighty Avengers (inconsequential effect on the YA I'm sure). Heck in Secret Invasion Vision got a blast through his head and it didn't shake things up AT ALL.

So here's to some actual CHANGE happening and God is it about time!



- Disney now own Marvel Entertainment Inc.... Fuck. More on that at some other point when I can point out the internet's reaction.

- The Pet Avengers is just another 4 issue limited series, watering down my INITIAL EXCITEMENT but not enough to stop me anticipating the shit out of it. To find out more about the upcoming series head over to COMIC BOOK RESOURCES NOW!

- X-Factor is taking a month's hiatus come November in preparation for ISSUE #200! This will bring them into New York where they'll fill that age-old role of the 'go-to guys'. Ya know, like Matt Murdock being EVERYONE'S lawyer or Moon Knight driving EVERYONE'S taxi. This'll be them solving EVERYONE'S problems. Again, COMIC BOOK RESOURCES is the place to mosey on over to where they talk to Peter David about it all.

- Jeff Parker continues to prove why he's the shining star of an upcoming piece I'm writing about the future best writers EVARR by handling something called WORLD WAR HULKS: ALPHA. It's a step to greatness but then it's a tie-in to a Loeb event. Mixed feelings.

- More What If stories are appearing. None of them are interesting.

- Apparently the Sentry will appear a lot in the future. Bleh I say, BLEH!

- Allan Heinberg is FINALLY writing a new Young Avengers arc in an 8 issue limited series. More on my fangirlish squeals later.

That's the news shots. I'll be writing more on a variety of these soon (and anything else that crops up) just figured I'd lay them all out here so I can pick and choose later.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Archaic Spider-Man Reviews: Number 62

Wow, sorry guys. This is a whole week late; but my scanner is up and running again now, and just in time for the final showdown with the Kingpin. Peter's been promising that he will kill Wilson Fisk for a couple of issues now, and I continue to approach this concept with a mixture of disbelief and amusement. Still, he looks pretty into it at the start of slot 1 (Back in Black part 4)...

WHY ISN'T HE WEARING ANY CLOTHES? Let's just hope he's not that naked after the jump.

The basic idea here is that it isn't Spider-Man who is going to have vengeance and kill Fisk, but rather Peter, so he's taken off the mask and shirt. I just wish his black trousers didn't make him look so much like shadowy naked guy in the picture above. The actual fight with Fisk is pretty cool, because it isn't really two people fighting, more Peter beating the shit out of Fisk. He's eerily silent for the first few clashes, taking Fisk apart with lethal precision. Peter then makes the same point I made last week about Fisk having no real capabilities beyond his massive ego, though he puts it more eloquently than I. Anyway, the fight culminates in a pretty badass moment

'You keep talking like a bitch, I'm gonna slap you like a bitch'

Let's just ignore the fact Peter seems to be picking Fisk up by his skin and just enjoy this emasculation of an evil man. This could only really get better if it finished with a soul punch.

Well, Fisk lies bloodied and defeated on the floor. Now all that remains is for Peter to finally take vengeance like he's been saying, right? Of course not, because this is shaping up to be a typical redemption story - hero falls, hero starts violating his own rules, hero approaches ultimate violation of said rules, hero has a change of heart, hero throws Emperor Palpatine over the balcony into the core of the Death Star... Anyway, here's how Peter rationalizes not killing Fisk.

Yeah, I totally believe you.

That's most of the first slot right there in that fight, so there's not really much to review. It ends with Pete and MJ watching over May as she sleeps. They're running out of money, but I've run out of comic, so time to give Eddie Brock cancer!

Slot 2 is The Last Temptation of Eddie Brock: Part 1. Eddie Br
ock? I thought he was dead from the terminal cancer he got way back when he sold off the Venom symbiote. In fact, in that arc (the first from Marvel Knights: Spider-Man) Brock slit his wrists! He should be dead twice over. Instead, he's just in a pretty, creepy splash page with a skewed panel order.

I could get into this after all.

Brock is crazy, or tripping from his medication, or part of Venom is still hanging around. Whatever the reason, this is quite a cool concept, because Venom's voice is like an aspect of Brock's mind now; compelling him to act and giving him strength. He spots MJ, who has been visiting May, who thanks to the God of comics just happens to be in the same hospital. MJ has been feeling survivor's guilt for not taking the bullet that hit May. A fair point really, and it would certainly please Max, who really hates her. I simply don't get her appeal.

Meanwhile, Peter does something filling before going to visit Madame Web. There's a clever moment here where Peter explains the whole situation to Web and asks her to perform a kind of séance for May. Web is a precognitive psychic, and has already agreed to his proposal; so talking to her is shown to be basically unnecessary. That said, I bet she sure is lonely; she seems to spend her days sitting in her Spider-Chair, waiting for people to turn up and ask for help. Poor lady.

In the last few pages, Brock's inner Venom has been browbeating him into attacking the Parkers. Brock has ordered a black Spidey suit to wear, for no real reason. What, do companies just mail out costumes to anyone that wants one? If this kind of service exists, why does Peter often complain that his suit smells bad or is falling to pieces? He can just buy a new one from the Gap!

Slot 3 is the conclusion of Sandblasted, and Spidey, Sandman and a random pothead are tracking down an impostor Uncle Ben using the helmet they found last ish. There's a nice odd-trio vibe to this, as they compete to be the best characters from Scooby Doo and then squabble about directions. It's not like they have to track down a killer before an innocent man gets electrocuted by the state... Speaking of which, Sandy's dad is getting his date with the chair fast-tracked to that same night. Barring some kind of Deus Ex Machina, it seems hopeless for him. *Snigger*.

They track the Ben killer to Midtown High, and the helmet asks Pete what kind of justice to administer, to which he replies 'poetic justice'. I just know this is going to go wrong. Sandy and Spidey run into the building and find the target; the school principle. All is not as it seems, however, as the 'principle' soon shifts into Sandman, and then Spider-Man 2211. Turns out, this is the Chameleon from 2211. Still, i'm sure he's an ok person really. Oh shit, I made him mad!

The rare shiny red Gyarados!

I'm not sure if this makes me want to play Pokémon, Starcraft or Warhammer. Needless to say, Chameleon 2211 is some kind of big red... thing, but he's only in this form for a few panels before Peter decides it would be a good idea to yank the helmet onto the alien's head and order it to administer justice. And... he's exactly right, because this somehow swaps the Chameleon with Sandman's father just before the electric chair was activated. That's such a bullshit, pulled-out-of-ass ending to a reasonable strip! How can the helmet teleport people? When was this explained? Why didn't the helmet just teleport Spider-Man to the school in the first place? Come to think of it, what will Spidey do with the helmet now? It's far too useful to not use again.

Actually, what was the Chameleon 2211's motive for all this? Was he just trying fuck things up for a few people in a really minor way? Framing one lowlife crook and then hiding for a while is not a grand master plan. This just leaves too many questions unanswered and unanswerable.

Well, that was AstonSpid numbah 62. Next Issue, Spidey protects May from Eddie Brock, discovers the truth about Miss Arrow and takes on the law. Till then, g'night.

Quick-Fire Reviews: Max Fails It

No I don't know why I used that image again. I just love it.

So yeah, following up on Tim being unable to do his archaic spider-man review, I've also missed out on Quick-Fire Reviews last week for one reason or another.

The plus side? Top Ten Writers #10 WILL be up soon, starting off what I hope to be ten straight days of it.

Until then imagine me as the Punisher and you the reader as Molly Hayes. Feels good huh.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Archaic Spider-Man Reviews: Tim Fails It.

This is just a brief update to explain why Archaic Spider-Man 62 isn't here yet. The scanner I use has broken and is unusable, so I am currently unable to scan pages for reviews. This means that any review I write would only be in a bastardized form, in which I would be unable to comment on the visuals. There isn't much point in writing about this medium if you can't mention the art.

As such, consider me in general on hiatus, at least for the time being.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Flip The Page: A History

"WAIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT IMAGE WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I don't really hear you say. Well, I'll tell you. That is in fact the banner from the first ever edition of Flip The Page way back in July 2006.

July 2006?!

Wow that was a while back. You see, Flip The Page has existed in many forms over the years. From a simple Manga of the Month flavour over at a fledgling site known as Live Action Anime (LAA) which spread out into a monthly manga review column known as FLIP THE PAGE!

Why all the manga? I loved that shit. I still do. I just don't have the money to pursue that much shit a month. I mean I have a backlog of like 300+ volumes, some of which I'm unsucessfullly trying to sell.

So that all lasted up till December that year, where I took one of my stereotypical breaks that I never came back from. Yeah that won't happen here... Maybe.

Then come... I don't know... more recently I started a new column up at there that had one update and I just kinda.... stopped. This was renamed Sweet Ramen (because NOODLES LOVES YOU! GEDDIT?! No? Yeah why would you?) and wasn't very good, a (once again) manga news recap. Still it had some bitchass logos.

Then a long time later I've started getting comics and this all happened. Now you know!


Manga of the Month
Flip The Page Archive
Sweet Ramen

This is an abridged version of the 'history' section that will appear on the 'ABOUT US' page. I hoped you enjoyed this basic version and will stop throwing shit at my house

Flip The Page Review: Lockjaw & The Pet Avengers #4 (of 4)

"Hey Max, you can TOTALLY keep up with a reviews blog without it becoming difficult. Who knows maybe you'll do some awesome planned video reviews and successfully build yourself up as a minor thing on the internet worth reading!" said my inner hope.

"Fuck off, you won't update on time and all you'll do is minor news and reviews, no-one will read them and you'll constantly hate on yourself and whinge, which is something you'll never change. Now shut the fuck up and keep reviewing until someone notices and plugs you, rocketing you to a hit count of more than 6 recurring readers." reality utters in response.

"Great now I'm miserable, what am I gonna do about THAT?!" the inner hope responds as it shrivels and DIES.

"Read Lockjaw & The Pet Avengers, it's fucking awesome."

"Oh yeah man I love that!"



Now that THAT horrible attempt at humourous writing is over I can actually address the comic in question. Lockjaw & The Pet Avengers is a brilliant limited series by classic letterer and unfunny Franklin Richards strip creator Chris Eliopoulos and awesome Marvel Adventures artist Ig Guara. It's been a ray of light in a sea of Avengers overexposure, reminding everyone that a Bendis-less Avengers series is a much cheerier and satisfying one (see Dan Slott's Mighty Avengers for further evidence of this).

It might sound like I'm singing the praises of this series a bit much, but it is genuinely brilliant and astoundingly original. The writing is a great insight into the attitudes of animals exposed to the world of superheroes and indeed into the personalities of the eternal background characters that are animal sidekicks. Could anyone say that they even wanted to know these things prior to this series coming out? I didn't, but now I wish we got this insight into all the minor aspects of the Marvel U. Bring on "Chrysler Building & The Architecture Avengers"!

(wow, what a poor quality image)

The art is Ig Guara. I don't know much about the person but Guara could well become one of the best artists for Marvel in a few years. Seriously, place Guara on The Initiative. It's a match made in heaven.

Well my mood is slightly enhanced by all this now so on with the moments.

1. The face-off you never knew you were waiting for!

There's something decidedly epic about Thanos, a character who has WIPED OUT HALF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE, facing off with a group of animals, of which only 4 of which can really be said to have anything resembling powers. But really it's the fresh amount of colours and how decidedly nonplussed Obama's dog Bo is in the hands of such a monstrosity. A flippin' moment and no mistake.

2. Alas Ms. Lion, I knew him well...

This moment actually made me go 'OH SH-' so loud my cat actually got startled. That's how much this stood out as I was going through the comic. Of course being kid-friendly they couldn't kill the mascot of the team (or the Rick Jones as the role is officially know... Wait he's died at some point I think.. Well he got better) so we go from this moment of epic, containing the best animal reaction faces in a Marvel comic, to...

3. THIS is why Niels is my favourite character of the team!

There's not much I can say here. Sure it's Niels showing he cared about Ms. Lion which is a nice moment but really it all comes down to one thing: AWESOME USE OF CRYSTAL. Which of course means it all gets vair pretty and colourful, which is one of the many great things to Lockjaw & The Pet Avengers.

4. "Oh yeah, we haven't ACTUALLY named the team yet!"

In no way does this feel slightly shunted in at the last minute. Not at all. A little... A fair bit. But we forgive it simply because The Pet Avengers are awesome.




Okay it's coming from his collar but tell me that doesn't look like a shoop da woop. Gets your attention with the sheer awesome. Perhaps this is the start of an epic battle that will span the universe.


Ah cool it is. How vibrant and interesting and awesome it is. Honestly if you haven't stopped reading to buy the fucking comic by now you best be waiting on the Hardcover!

8. Lockjaw's kinda like a really hairy multicoloured lantern

Wait, am I just stretching out the previous moment to make it seem even more awesome?

... Yes. Yes I am.

9. The Light Fantastic


10. A perfect ending to a great comic

It really is. Corny as fuck, sure but it really is a great way to round out this corny limited series. If only it was getting a full ongoing...

Honestly you won't find a comic more worth your time this year (except perhaps Nomad: Girl Without A World, but that's obvious) and if you haven't looked at it yet hopefully this review will make you check it out in preperation for the hardcover out in October.

Next up: A brief idea of the history of Flip The Page. Wait what we have a history? Well I certainly do with the title of this blog. It's brief and uninteresting and certainly nothing to do with western comics and may well just be about manga.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Flip The Page Review: Incredible Hercules #132


Not literally, that would involve a large amount of combining reality with myth, marvel comics and potentially time travel failing the marvel part. No, I'm talking particularly of the comic THE INCREDIBLE HERCULES, a series that has not yet managed to be anything other than hilarious and awesome since it replaced The Incredible Hulk post-World War Hulk. Heck, the Sacred Invasion arc is the highlight of Secret Invasion!

So as such I decided to review the latest issue, the start of 'THE REPLACEMENT THOR' arc. Sure it's a week old now but it took a while to get round to doing it.


When this arc was first announced a fair few people were skeptical, especially those who just refuse to fathom how Gods can exist from both Norse and Greek mythology, let alone cross over as such. I however am first to cry foul of people not suspending disbelief in a world with a man who can climb shit and a young boy who can make ENTIRE OTHER PLANETS, and as such embraced my beloved beardy-man's new guise with great love in my heart and I can say with my head held high that I was 100% right and.... That it doesn't really matter anyway.

The writing is Greg Pak (whose work on Planet Hulk and World War Hulk stands up there with some of Peter David's legendary 12 year run) and Fred Van Lente. If that last name didn't make you groan then you obviously haven't read enough of my posts here. Van Lente is one of many writers who in time will be the best in the business, if not of all time then certainly for the future. The double-team of these names have managed to churn out a comic with no weak issues yet, and this one is no exception, written as tightly as... a..... tight.... piece of writing?

... I'm not sure what happened there, so let's move on to the art.

Before talking about Reilly Brown's stellar pencils I have to bring up Rafael Albuquerque's cover, which I should have taken a right turn at (Bugs Bunny jokes are lame, I know shut up). It's a truly eye-catching and beautiful piece of art and if it doesn't make this issue sell like a motherfucker I will be beyond words with shock. Reilly Brown only improves upon this with some vibrant and enticing pencils in the actual issue and knocks me away with some of the best visuals this side of artists like Mike Allred, Stuart Immonen, Kyle Hotz and Amanda Conner. Wait is there another artist I wanna suck up to?.... Humberto Ramos. Yeah, now I've namedropped enough.


1. Thor's Origin Riffed To Hell

Because if YOU were the much more awesome Hercules you too would take the piss out of Thor's weak-ass origin. Hilarious as hell and grabs ya, much like the Agents of Atlas recaps have been doing until recently.

2. Ugly Bird People In Your Grill (Or Ripping Off Your Roof)

Nice to see that harpy things have the common decency for good comic timing (Hercules having just regaled Zeus with how he is the favourite son and no longer looked at him as an incompetent buffoon after the recent hell arc thing). Ugly things, but make for an interesting image that touches your goolies in nice ways.... Let's pretend I said something cooler there.

3. Balder The..... Brave?

"Oh I'm Balder the brave, look how brave I am running like a sissy from some monster things! Waaaaaaah" or something. Still looks awesome and despite how it isn't REALLY Balder it IS nice to see him in his pre-ragnorok clothes.

4. Explosions Are Cool!!!!!!

Some superheroes would have a convoluted and drawn out plan to deal with a monster. Hercules just hits it WITH A FUCKING CAR! Awesome. And Pretty. Oh yeah gotta sound like a critic... BOOM WHEEE EXPLOSIONS!

5. This Is A Page With Some Weather. Which Is Awesome.

I hate child characters, but Reilly Brown has made me want a poster of this page. Seriously if anyone can hook me up with something like that let me know. Also of note: the whole replacement Thor thing works out ever so well with the Zeus the THUNDER GOD hanging around. It's almost too convenient...

6. Like A Hammer, But A Mace!

I've always been fond of Hercules' mace, so perhaps this flippin' moment gets some bias from me, but it really stands out, along with most of the gold-framed pages, and has the most childlike glee on Herc's face since....

Oh GOD, the legendary grin he gave Amadeus when the young lad was totally scoring! THE HORROR!

7. Inside The (text) Box

"Okay," I hear you say. "It looks nice and epic, but then it's just a text heavy big panel." No. No it isn't. It's a very VERY small text box hidden away:

I love these things, especially one as self-congratulatory as this. You stop for the big picture and then see the text box and you're hooked; This comic must be yours.


Dream Amadeus cameo ALMOST makes up for him being absent this issue (which sure, is a plotline but fuck that I want me some genius stuff as well as boneheaded hilarity!). Probably the comedy highlight this issue, but I'm indecisive and not very competent at this whole critic thing.

9. Malekith The A-wha?

If this is serious it's so awful. If it's a delightful parody of how villains often pull this shit then it's GENIUS.

10. Next Issue's Cover

Okay this is a cheat. But c'mon, floating brains attacking Amadeus? AWESOME!

And that's the moments. All in all a great issue packed to the gills with awesome. I don't think I could say anything that negative about it other than that it loses some points for having Hercules on his own for the current arc (well, he's with Zeus but fuck him). The Amadeus arc may well suffer in the same way. We'll see.


Flippin' MUST BUY!

God knows what's next. More reviews? Quick-fire? Solicits? Top Ten Writers? Could be anything. But you can bet one thing: IT'LL PROBABLY BE LATE!

Interlude: Pre-Reviews Holy Shit Moment

Started writing up my Lockjaw review when I came upon this towards the back of the issue (wait I'm writing another review when Herc isn't up yet?! HAX!):
Tell me some news better than that. Go on, I dare you.

You can't? Could that be because this is AWESOME? Yes?

Knew it.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

NEWS SHOTS: Nomad Logo/Preview, 100 Wolverine Covers, Marvel on PSP


  • A 6 page Nomad preview is now available for your perusal at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES. It's wicked cool and now includes the logo, which is awesome. Its chances of being limited series of the year increases.
  • The Hero Initiative is doing it's charitable awesomeness again, this time with a 100-cover Wolverine dealio. So make yourself feel charitable and at least read up about it over at!
  • Soon enough PSP readers will be able to read marvel comics on their PSP! I've never been big on the PSP or teensy screens for reading (teensy compared to a comic book I mean) but this looks awesome. Read about it over at!

That's News Shots and the Herc review has been delayed by various factors. Thoughts on solicits coming soon!

Monday, 17 August 2009

Astonishing Flashbacks: The Death of Jean DeWolff, by Tim

Way back in the first volume of AstonSpid, Peter David's arc 'The Death of Jean DeWolff' (originally run in Spectacular Spider-Man in the mid 80's) was featured in issues 26-29. I only started collecting AstonSpid at around issue 120, and so I was only just really getting in to Spider-Man in general. As such, I first came at this story 'blind'; I had read very little before it and was unaware of the story's reputation as one of the best arcs going.

Well, it turns out that Death of Jean DeWolff is... one of the best arcs going. Seriously, unlike The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man, this story genuinely deserves the praise given to it. Hit the jump to see what I mean.

First thing's first; the synopsis. A mysterious gunman named Sin-Eater begins a series of attacks, killing police Captain Jean DeWolff and other representatives of justice and order, including a friend of Matt Murdock (Daredevil). Spidey secures the co-operation of the detective in charge of the case, and starts to track down Sin-Eater. Meanwhile, one of Aunt May's friends is brutally mugged, and Peter is disgusted by Murdock's legal defense of the attackers. When a good friend of Murdock's gets killed, he begins his own investigation.

One of the things that really stands out about this arc is the tone it sets and maintains throughout. Here's an example; the first three pages of comic. Go on, click this and read it.

Reading those pages four years ago, I had no knowledge of who Jean DeWolff was or what she was like; I had never heard of her. Despite this, there's something about the way Peter David has this dying woman narrate her life, as it flashes before her eyes, that is arrestingly powerful. The tragic optimism, in DeWolff's last thoughts, stands out in particular. This dark tone is not cliched or over bearing, but rather engrossing.

The arc evolves into a meditation on justice, morality, anger and retribution. The conflict between Spider-Man and Daredevil is juxtaposed with the internal conflicts of each hero. Spidey has difficulty detaching himself from the case because of his grief for DeWolff's death, while Daredevil wrestles with his need to preserve his secret identity, which interferes with helping people.

Added to this is the Sin-Eater, a masked man with a shotgun who is on a mission to kill those that he perceives as having abused their power. Despite his fairly goofy outfit, he's actually an unusually realistic villain; rather than a giggling super-powered goon holding New York to ransom, he's just an insane serial killer, who shoots and runs. This villain could, without any major changes, exist in our world; and that makes him genuinly chilling.

This is an excellent arc and a very good story, with hardly a panel out of place. It's also readily available, having been collected as a trade. If you're a spidey fan who hasn't read it, seriously do, because rarely is Spider-Man done this well.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

NEW STYLE (AGAIN?!) Quick-Fire Reviews: Week of August 12th

Gotta love that cover. Ms. Marvel punching Ms. Marvel in the crotch. Groundbreaking.

So welcome to another new iteration of the Quick-Fire Reviews. I really should run a poll of what method's better if I ever have more than 5 readers. This time around I'm going for a basic and nonsensical approach:

  • Say nothing about the comic
  • Edit a page to kinda get across a bit of what I'm thinking
  • Try to be funny
  • Fail
  • Rate

No complicated baloney about art or writing, that's for the full size reviews. This is a simple yay or nay version of reviews, with some added imagery for entertainment. To drop the moments stuff that I love using for the full reviews seems a shame but hey I might be able to work those in in the future.


Cable #17



Deadpool #13

"Yohoho and a bottle of rum! Bring me my Bea Arthur lookalike wenches etc.!"

Rating: Flippin' BUY IT!

Destroyer #5 (of 5)


Rating: Read It?

Marvel Divas #2 (of 4)

"Characters on cover may be less in costume than they appear."

Rating: Buy It!

Ms. Marvel #43

"CROTCH PU- Wait I've already pointed that out..."

Rating: Read It?

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1

"... I got nothing. This looks cool."

Rating: Buy It! (though it's barely an issue #1)

Okay, so I finished this before Herc, probably because the only one of these edited pages is something I'd consider funny (the cable one, I know it's not funny shut up). Herc is actually up next! (note to self: formatting is a bitch)